The Success Song Tabulatur von My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic (für Baryton)

9 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: G, Cm, C, Am, D, Em, A, Gm, Dm

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

Font size: A- A A+

Album:  unbekannt
Key: unbekanntAkkorde

G G Cm Cm
You were prepared to do your best
Had what it takes to pass the test

G G Am Am
All those doubts you can dismiss
Cm Cm
Turns out you were
Prepared for this!

G G Cm Cm G G C C D D
You clearly have just what it takes
Em Em A A D D
To pass a test with such high stakes
G G Cm Cm G G C C D D
We knew for sure you would prevail
Em Em A A D D
Since when does Twilight Sparkle ever fail?

G G D D Em Em D D
All those doubts that you can dismiss
G G D D Em Em D D
Trust yourself and you cannot miss

Gm Gm
Turns out you were
Turns out I was

Em Em
Turns out you were
Turns out I was

Gm Gm
Turns out you were
Dm Dm A A D D
Prepared for this!
D D Gm Gm A A D D Gm Gm A A D D Gm Gm A A D D


Tabulatur von , 16 Okt 2015

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