Smoke Tabulatur von Melanie Martinez (für Baryton)

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
Am C F E Am F C E Am C Too ready his little girl you've gone so far Am C F Keep begging until you're smiling you're a movie star Am C F E Songs from the 50s your mamas used to sing Am C F E Oh, in the kitchen while she's makin' dinner for your family Am Am C Keep drinking baby girl keep your head up high Am C F Waiting for your mama to sing lullabies Am C F E Well, daddy isn't here and mamas smoke instead Am C F E Oh, headache from the smoke is finally getting wrecked Am G Am Closure to encourage and you'll be alright G E Sing yourself to sleep we're gonna be afraid G Am All you have to start always is rivalry G E While your lungs are filled with all the smoke you breathe Am Am C Don't you worry, now you sleep you little thing Am C F Daddy will come back and therefore he will sing Am C F E Sing your precious lullaby to you he will Am C F E While mama smokes her cancer to the dawn still Am G Am Closure to encourage and you'll be alright G E Sing yourself to sleep we're gonna be afraid G Am All you have to start always is rivalry G E While your lungs are filled with all the smoke you breathe Am G Am Closure to encourage and you'll be alright G E Sing yourself to sleep we're gonna be afraid G Am All you have to start always is rivalry G E While your lungs are filled with all the smoke you breathe

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Tabulatur von , 13 Nov 2016

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