Right In The Head Tabulatur von M Ward (für Baryton)

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, Em, B7, D, Am

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2006
Key: EmAkkorde
ursprüngliche Tonalität: +1.0 Halbtöne (Originalstimmung)
Tab / Akkord Fortschritt festgelegt für die Ukulele.

D D F#m F#m D D C#7 C#7 x2

I hope my little brother puts a call in today
I hope he don't forget where he came from
C#7 C#7 F#m F#m
I hope he never has to deal with wronging someone
D D F#m F#m
'Cause I lived with many ghosts when I was younger
D D C#7 C#7
And I will live with many ghosts until I go

Bm Bm
I hope he's right in the head
F#m F#m
I hope he's right in the head
C#7 C#7
I hope he's right in the head
F#m F#m
Even if he has to wrong someone

Bm Bm
I hope he's right in the head
F#m F#m
I hope he's right in the head
C#7 C#7
I hope he's right in the head
F#m F#m
Even if he has to wrong someone

D D F#m F#m D D C#7 C#7

And I hope his guardian angel puts a gun in his hand
If ever they get ambushed or pursued
C#7 C#7 F#m F#m
I hope she sticks around when he does dirty in this dirty, dirty duel he has brewed
D D F#m F#m
And though the names will get changed to protect the innocent
D D C#7 C#7
He said, "I hope the names will get changed to protect me."

Bm Bm
I hope he's right in the head
F#m F#m
I hope he's right in the head
C#7 C#7
I hope he's right in the head
F#m F#m
Even if he has to wrong someone

Bm Bm
I hope he's right in the head
F#m F#m
I hope he's right in the head
C#7 C#7
I hope he's right in the head
F#m F#m
Even if he has to wrong someone

D D F#m F#m
'Cause I lived with many ghosts when I was younger
D D C#7 C#7
And I will live with many ghosts until I go

D D F#m F#m D D C#7 C#7

repeat till fade out

Tabulatur von unbekannt, 25 Jan 2009

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