Walk But In A Garden (with Mxmtoon) Tabulatur von Llusion (für Baryton)

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: G, G7, C, Am, D

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: C, G, Am, EmAkkorde
[Chorus: mxmtoon]
G G G7 G7 C C
The days are drifting slowly by
Am Am D D G G
I guess I'll be here till July
G G G7 G7 C C
I find it hard to have no answers
Am Am D D G G
But the thought of us can make the time go by

[Verse: mxmtoon]
G G G7 G7
We could walk but in a garden
We could talk while at the market
Am Am D D G G
Taking moments of our days to be alone
G G G7 G7
And while we don't have all the answers
We still know what truly matters
Am Am D D G G
Keeping hope alive despite the darkest storm

[Chorus: mxmtoon]
G G G7 G7 C C
The days are drifting slowly by
Am Am D D G G
I guess I'll be here till July
G G G7 G7 C C
I find it hard to have no answers
Am Am D D G G
But the thought of us can make the time go by
Am Am D D G G
Yeah, the thought of us can make the time go by

G G Am Am D D
Yeah, the thought of us can make the time go by

Tabulatur von , 10 Jun 2021

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Sxnny_ avatar
Hey! The strumming pattern for this is one down strum for each chord and a chuck afterwards. For each chord at the end of the line, it gets one down strum, a chuck, then one down atrum and another chuck. I hope you enjoy!
10 Jun 2021

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