Going Nowhere Tabulatur von Little Mix (für Baryton)

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Em, C, Am, B7, B

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2013
Key: EmAkkorde
Em Em C C Am Am B7 B7

Em Em
Sick of you playing on the xbox thing
You're never gonna get me with the diamond ring
Am Am
Look at you so confused
No you don't have a clue
B7 B7
I bet you think you got me good

Em Em
So tell me when's the last time you changed that shirt?
Instead of sitting here you should be going to work
Am Am
Like I do for you, your down and it's not cool
B7 B7
Time for me to move on

Nothing I could do so

Em Em C C
Leave, you're not the boy you said you'd be
Am Am
And it's so hard for me to breathe
B7 B7
How can I love you boy if you're going nowhere
We're going nowhere

Em Em C C
Bye, don't have the strength to see you cry
Am Am
I'm tired of asking myself why
B7 B7
How can I love you boy if you're going nowhere
We're going nowhere

Em Em
How am I supposed to look at you like that?
When all you ever really do is hold me back
Am Am
No more for sure
It's you who's out the door
B7 B7
I think I should press delete and clear my history

Em Em
I got my ambitions, yes I dream so big
While I'm ticking boxes you'll be counting sheep
Am Am
So you, do you and I'll be me
Time for me to move on
Nothing left to see so

Em Em C C
Leave, you're not the boy you said you'd be
Am Am
And it's so hard for me to breathe
B7 B7
How can I love you boy if you're going nowhere
We're going nowhere

Em Em C C
Bye, don't have the strength to see you cry
Am Am
I'm tired of asking myself why
B7 B7
How can I love you boy if you're going nowhere
We're going nowhere

Em Em

Em Em
I'm sick of dragging you up
All you do is pull me down
I wish you good luck as from now I ain't around
See, I can recollect every other rain fall
But I stayed here, unchanged, that's my only downfall (ohh)
Am Am
Little boy boy pull your trousers up, allright bruv
I just have some respect(yeeah)
B7 B7
Are you a man or a mouse?
You don't provide or protect
Stay stuck in the mud, I'll be on to the next

Em Em C C
Leave, you're not the boy you said you'd be
Am Am
And it's so hard for me to breathe
B7 B7
How can I love you boy if you're going nowhere
We're going nowhere

Em Em C C
Bye, don't have the strength to see you cry
Am Am
I'm tired of asking myself why
B7 B7
How can I love you boy if you're going nowhere
We're going nowhere

Em Em
Bye (yeeah)
Am Am
I'm sick and tired of asking myself why
B7 B7
You're going nowhere
We're going nowhere

Tabulatur von , 20 Jun 2013

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