Where Is Darkie? Tabulatur von Lil Darkie (für Baryton)

8 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Gm, Cm, Eb, Bm, D, G, F, B

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
chords are from chordify.net, enjoy!

Gm Gm Cm Cm Eb Eb

Gm Gm Cm Cm
Gm Gm Cm Cm
Bm Bm
Gm Gm Cm Cm Gm Gm
My love, lemme take you for a ride
Cm Cm Gm Gm
My blood remind me I'm alive enough
Cm Cm Bm Bm
People wanna act surprised
You shine, you win
Gm Gm Cm Cm G G
My love, lemme make you run and hide from me
Cm Cm G G Gm Gm
I keep everything inside of me
Cm Cm Gm Gm
Let out none unless we vibe
We'll try, we'll see
Gm Gm
Cm Cm F F
Trapped inside a dark place
Cm Cm F F Gm Gm
Singing outside park stays
Cm Cm D D Bm Bm
Very scary and peaceful where we play
Gm Gm Cm Cm
Please stop drinking so much
Gm Gm Cm Cm Gm Gm
Please stop smoking that tobacco
Cm Cm Bm Bm
Oh, you know I know you know

It covers pain
Gm Gm Cm Cm
With a lie, temporary
Gm Gm Cm Cm Gm Gm
I can't stand the sight of you no more
Cm Cm G G
You biting right into my core
Bm Bm G G
Uh, shit, wait
Cm Cm G G Gm Gm
Lay me down
Cm Cm
Lay me down
Bm Bm G G
Maybe now you'll see my face

We forget to regret
Cm Cm G G
Anything at all
Cm Cm
We worship the free shit

See us spin and fall
Bm Bm
How can I love you at all
Cm Cm
If I can hate me?
Burn up all of the ball
Gm Gm
Until there ain't green

Cm Cm Gm Gm
I'm so sorry for my species treachery against you

Let's make love
Cm Cm Bm Bm B B
And behave like we're meant to
G G Gm Gm
My love, lemme take you for a ride
Cm Cm Gm Gm
My blood remind me I'm alive enough
Cm Cm Bm Bm
People wanna act surprised
You shine, you win
Gm Gm Cm Cm Gm Gm
My love, lemme make you run and hide from me
Cm Cm Gm Gm
I keep everything inside of me
Cm Cm Bm Bm
Let out none unless we tribe

One family
Gm Gm Cm Cm
La, la, la-la, la-la
Gm Gm Cm Cm
La, la, la-la, la-la
Gm Gm Cm Cm
La, la, la-la, la-la
Bm Bm
La, la, la-la-la

if you wanna do the end bit, there's no actual chords so just,,,
smack the uke or something.
idk have fun

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kamukegirl avatar
i love himmm
30 Mar 2023
duc_bruh avatar
nice thank you
02 Mar 2020

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