Softserve Tabulatur von Liana Flores (für Baryton)

14 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: G, A7, Em, Dm, C, Cmaj7, B7, F, G#, Dm7, G7, F7, A#m7, C#m

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
G G A7 A7 Em Em A7 A7
Dm Dm G G

[Verse 1]

C C Cmaj7 Cmaj7 B7 B7
It's so sunny out today
F F G# G# C C
How's about you and I hop aboard a train?
Cmaj7 Cmaj7 B7 B7
Bring your dog and wear your shades
F F G# G# G G A7 A7
Let's go make some cryptid footprints til the waves come


G G A7 A7
Dm7 Dm7 G7 G7 C C
softserve sort of day

[Verse 2]

Cmaj7 Cmaj7 B7 B7
My to-do list fills a page
F F G# G# C C
But I think I'd rather find a cool-shaped rock
Cmaj7 Cmaj7 B7 B7
Maybe later it will rain but it's fine
F F G# G# G G A7 A7
Then we'll complain about the cost of 99s


G G A7 A7
Dm7 Dm7 G7 G7 G# G#
softserve sort of day

F7 F7 A#m7 A#m7 C#m C#m C C

C C B7 B7
The weather's so sunny out today
F F G# G#
How's about you and I go to the sand?
F F G# G#
We can talk to seagulls make some bird friends
F F G# G#
Vanilla softserve
Cmaj7 Cmaj7
It is that sort of day

Tabulatur von , 28 Feb 2025

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