Any Dream Will Do Tabulatur von Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat (für Baryton)

6 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, G, F, C7, D, Am

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

Font size: A- A A+

Album:  unbekannt
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
ursprüngliche Tonalität: -0.5 Halbtöne (Originalstimmung)
Tab / Akkord Fortschritt festgelegt für die Ukulele.
Intro: B B


F# F# B B F# F# B B E E
I closed my eyes, drew back the curtain
B B F# F# B B F# F#
To see for certain what I thought I knew
B B F# F# B B E E
Far far away, someone was weeping
B B F# F#
But the world was sleeping
Any dream will do

Joseph & Children

F# F# B B F# F# B B E E
I wore my coat, with golden lining
B B F# F# B B F# F#
Bright colours shining, wonderful and new
B B F# F# B B E E
And in the east, the dawn was breaking
B B F# F#
And the world was waking
B B (B7 B7)
Any dream will do


A A crash of drums, a flash of light
C# C#
My golden coat flew out of sight
G#m G#m F# F# E E
The colours faded into darkness
F# F#
I was left alone

Joseph & Children

B B F# F# B B E E
May I return to the beginning
B B F# F# B B F# F#
The light is dimming, and the dream is too
B B F# F# B B E E
The world and I, we are still waiting
B B F# F#
Still hesitating
Any dream will do

(Any dream, any dream will)
Any dream will do
(Any dream, any dream will)
(Any dream, any dream will)
E E F# F# B B
(Any dream) Any dream will do

Tabulatur von , 31 Aug 2022

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