The Mixed Tape Tabulatur von Jack's Mannequin (für Baryton)

7 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Dm, Fmaj7, C, A#, F, Gm7, Gm

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2005
Key: F, DmAkkorde
[Intro] Dm Dm Fmaj7 Fmaj7  C C Dm Dm  Dm Dm Fmaj7 Fmaj7  C C Dm Dm    

Dm Dm Fmaj7 Fmaj7 C C Dm Dm
[First Verse] This is morning That's when I spend the most time
A# A# F F C C
Thinking 'bout what I've given up
Dm Dm Fmaj7 Fmaj7 C C Dm Dm
This is a warning When you start the day just to close the curtains you're
A# A# F F C C A# A# Dm Dm
thinking about what I've given up~

A# A# Dm Dm F F Gm7 Gm7
[Chorus] Where are you now? As I'm swimming through the stereo
A# A# F F C C
I'm writing you a symphony of sound
A# A# Dm Dm F F Gm7 Gm7
Where are you now? As I rearrange the songs again
A# A# F F C C
This mix could burn a hole in anyone
Dm Dm Fmaj7 Fmaj7 C C Dm Dm
but it was you I was thinking of
Dm Dm Fmaj7 Fmaj7 C C Dm Dm
it was you I was thinking of

Dm Dm Fmaj Fmaj C C Dm Dm
[Second Verse] I read your letter the one you left when you broke into my
A# A# F F C C
house I'm retracing every step you made
Dm Dm Fmaj7 Fmaj7 C C Dm Dm
And you said you meant it and there's a piece of me in every single
A# A# F F C C
second of every single day
A# A# F F C C
But if it's true then tell me how it got this way.

A# A# Dm Dm F F Gm7 Gm7
[Chorus] Where are you now? As I'm swimming through the stereo
A# A# F F C C
I'm writing you a symphony of sound
A# A# Dm Dm F F Gm7 Gm7
Where are you now? As I rearrange the songs again
A# A# F F C C
This mix could burn a hole in anyone
Gm7 Gm7 F F C C
but it was you I was thinking of
Gm7 Gm7 F F C C
it was you I was thinking of

[Breakdown] Gm7 Gm7 F F C C Gm7 Gm7 F F C C Gm7 Gm7 F F C C

Gm7 Gm7 F F C C Gm7 Gm7 F F C C
I can't get to you I can't get to you--
A# A# F F C C
I can't get to you ~ you ~ you

A# A# Dm Dm F F Gm7 Gm7
[Chorus] Where are you now? As I'm swimming through the stereo
A# A# F F C C
I can't touch a symphony of sound
A# A# Dm Dm F F Gm7 Gm7
Where are you now? As I'm cutting through you track by track
A# A# F F C C
I swear to God this mix could take the sun
Gm7 Gm7 F F C C Gm7 Gm7 F F C C
but it was you I was thinking of It was you I was thinking of
Gm7 Gm7 F F C C Gm7 Gm7 F F C C
Where are you now? Where are you now?

Gm7 Gm7 F F C C Gm7 Gm7 F F C C
[Outro] And this is my mixed tape for her It's like I wrote every
Gm Gm A# A#
note with my own fingers

Tabulatur von , 24 Feb 2014

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