Here In The Real World Tabulatur von George Jones (für Baryton)

6 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, F, G7, C7, Dm, Em

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: C, AmAkkorde
Here In The Real World
Recorded by George Jones
Written by Alan Jackson and Mark Irwin

C C F F G7 G7 C C
Cowboys don't cry and heroes don't die
F F G7 G7 C C
Good always wins again and again
C7 C7 F F G7 G7 C C
Love is a sweet dream that always comes true
F F G7 G7 C C
Oh if life were like the movies I'd never be blue

C7 C7 F F C C
But here in the real world it's not that easy at all
G7 G7 C C
Cause when hearts get broken it's real tears that fall
C7 C7 F F
And darling it's sad but true
But the one thing I've learned from you
Dm Dm Em Em F F
Is how the boy don't always get the girl
G7 G7 F F C C
Here in the real wor-ld

F F G7 G7 C C
I gave you my love but that wasn't enough
F F G7 G7 C C
To hold your heart when times got rough
F F G7 G7 C C
And tonight on that silver screen it'll end like it should
F F G7 G7 C C
Two lovers will make it through like I hoped we would

Repeat #2

Dm Dm Em Em F F
Is how the boy don't always get the girl
G7 G7 F F C C
Here in the real wor-ld

Tabulatur von , 06 Jan 2013

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