Supernatural Tabulatur von Flyleaf (für Baryton)

6 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: A, C#m, B, G#m, E, F#m

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: E, C#mAkkorde
INTRO: A A C#m C#m B B

A A C#m C#m
Her headaches constant, increasing in pain with
each passing day.
A A C#m C#m B B
She can't even manage to stand on her own it's gotten so bad.

You think in saying there's no use in praying
C#m C#m G#m G#m
but still she bows her head
A A G#m G#m B B
so she can say thank you for just one more day.

A A G#m G#m
Supernatural patience
graces her face
and her voice never raises
A A G#m G#m B B
all because, of a love, never let go of.
A A C#m C#m B B
Never let go of...

A A C#m C#m
He has every reason to throw up his fists in the face of his God who let his
mother die.
A A C#m C#m B B
Through all the prayers and tears, she still passed in pain anyway.

You think in saying there's no use in praying
C#m C#m G#m G#m
but still he bows his head
A A G#m G#m B B
so he can say thank you for ending her pain.

A A G#m G#m
Supernatural patience
graces her face
and her voice never raises
A A G#m G#m B B
all because, of a love, never let go of.
F#m F#m E E A A
Never let go of...

F#m F#m E E A A
He is teaching me
F#m F#m E E A A
what love really means.

Supernatural patience
graces his face
and his voice never raises.
All because, of a love,
never let go of.

Yes it's supernatural patience.
It graces his face
and his voice never raises.
All because, of a love,
never let go of.
Never let go of...

He is teaching me
what love really means.

Tabulatur von , 02 Jan 2013

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