Tongue Tied Tabulatur von (empty)

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C#, G#, F#, D#m

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: C#, A#mAkkorde
0 1 2 3 4 5
# Transposed from an Ultimate Guitar chording

# Intro: C# C# G# G# C# C# G# G#

# F# F#
# Take me to your best friend's house
# F# F#
# Roll around this roundabout
# C# C# G# G# C# C# G# G#
# Oh yeah
# F# F#
# Take me to your best friend's house
# F# F#
# I loved you then and I love you now
# C# C# G# G# C# C# G# G#
# Oh yeah

# F# F# D#m D#m
# Don't take me tongue tied
# C# C# G# G#
# Don't wave no goodbye
# F# F#
# Don't...

# Break: C# C# G# G# C# C# G# G#

# And then just continue in that pattern!

Tabulatur von , 03 Feb 2012

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MuppetMolly avatar
This is in need of heavy editing. You've got unlisted chords, half the song (It doesn't just continue in that pattern, I've tried it), and the timing is wonky. Some of the chords do sound right, though.
20 May 2012

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