Diploma Tabulatur von Diploma (für Baryton)

8 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: G, G7, C, C7, A7, D7, D, Am

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
G G      G7 G7
Look for the bare unities

C C C7 C7
The simple bare unities

G G A7 A7 D7 D7
Forget about your worries and your strife

G G G7 G7
we mean the bare unities

C C C7 C7
The ones that are in this videoclip

G G A7 A7 D7 D7 G G
Which brings the bare unities of this class

D7 D7 G G
Whoever I talk to, wherever I go

D7 D7 G G G7 G7
I use relative clauses like I am a pro

C C D D G G Am Am
So I could use who, which, where, whom, whose and when

Am Am D7 D7
And if you forget any of this, you can use that and that is it

G G A7 A7
Can you try a few?

Am Am D7 D7 G G D7 D7 G G
The simple unities in this book will come to you, they’ll come to you

D7 D7 G G D7 D7
If you want to say something that somebody else said

G7 G7
you should be careful with tell and say!

C C D D G G Am Am
If it is something that he told you, use your past tenses too

Am Am
But if you want to use “say” Be careful then

D7 D7
Add “to me” And that is it!

G G A7 A7
Is not hard, you see?

Am Am D7 D7 G G
The simple unities in this book will come to you,

D7 D7 G G
they’ll come to you

G G G7 G7
There’s a lot thing to say

C C C7 C7
A A few a couple things to say

G G A7 A7 D7 D7
Quantifiers are important too

G G G7 G7
If you don’t know how to use them,

C C C7 C7
A A lot” “a load” is a good thing then and

G G A7 A7 Am Am D7 D7 G G
Remember this words for past modals

G G A7 A7 Am Am D7 D7 G G
And you should, could, would be fine

G G A7 A7 Am Am D7 D7 G G
And that are our unities of this class

Tabulatur von , 20 Dez 2017

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