The Thrill Is Gone Tabulatur von Chet Baker (für Baryton)

22 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Cm, Dm7, Abmaj7, G7+9, G7, F7, Fm9, Bb9, Bb7, Ebmaj7, Bbmadd9, Cmadd9, Cdim7, Cmaj9+11, Bbm9/Db, Bbadd9/D, Ebmaj7/Bb, Am7, Ab7+11, Fm11, Ab7, Ab6

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  1956
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
Cm Dm7-5 | Cm Abmaj7 | Dm7-5 G7+9 G7 | Cm Dm7-5 G7-13

Cm Cm
The thrill is gone
Cm Cm F7 F7
The thrill is gone
Fm9 Bb9 Bb7-13/Ab Bb9 Ebmaj7 Bbmadd9/Db
I can see it in your eyes
Dm7-5 G7-9 Cmadd9 Dm7-5
I can hear it in your sighs
G7-9 Cm Cdim7
Feel your touch and realize
Dm7-5 G7
The thrill is gone

Cm Cm
The nights are cold
Cm F7 ( Cmaj9+11 )
For love is old
Fm9 Bb9 Bb7-13/Ab Bbm9/Db Ebmaj7 Bbadd9/D
Love was grand when love was new
Dm7-5 G7-9 Cm
Birds were sing - in' and skies were blue
Dm7-5 G7 Cm Cdim7
Now it don't appeal to you...
Dm7-5 G7-9 G7
The thrill is gone

Ebmaj7/Bb Am7-5
This is the end
Ab7+11 Cmadd9/G Cm
So why pretend
Fm11 G7-13 Dm7-5
And let it lin - ger on?
G7 G7 Ab7 Ab7
The thrill is gone
Ab6 Dm7-5 Cm
The thrill is gone

Tabulatur von , 06 Jan 2020

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