Soul Singer In The Session Band Tabulatur von Bright Eyes (für Baryton)

3 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, F, G

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: C, AmAkkorde
ursprüngliche Tonalität: +0.5 Halbtöne (Originalstimmung)
Tab / Akkord Fortschritt festgelegt für die Ukulele.
C# C# F# F# C# C# C# C# F# F# G# G# C# C# F# F# C# C# F# F# G# G# F# F# G# G# C# C#

C# C# F# F# C# C#
See the soul singer in the session band
C# C# F# F# G# G#
Shredded to ribbons beneath the microphone stand
C# C# F# F# C# C#
F F#elt the quickness of pity like a flash in a pan
F# F# G# G# F# F# G# G# C# C#
For the soul singer in the session band
(This chord progression is constant. So just keep playing it!)

Now a red carpet bagger makes a blackberry call
To the plastic pirhana in the city of salt
Wasted wheat paste campaign post no bills on the wall
You mean nothing to no one but that's nobody's fault

See the soul singer in the session band
Shredded to ribbons beneath the microphone stand
F F#elt the quickness of pity like a flash in a pan
For the soul singer in the session band

I had a lengthy discussion about the power of myth
With a postmodern author who didn't exist
In this fictitious world, our reality twists
I was a hopeless romantic, now I'm just turning tricks

Just like that soul singer in the session band
Shredded confetti beneath the microphone stand
Saw the conflicts of interest, slipping cash in the hand
Of the soul singer in the session band

Now his room is on fire since he painted it red
There's a stranger, silk sequins at the foot of the bed
He's been to weddings and funerals, but he still never wept
Now sorrow is pleasure when you want it instead

Just like our soul singer in the session band
Wailed like an infant atop a white baby grand
We'll need every sand bag and every man
To save the soul singer in the session band

C# C# F# F# C# C# C# C# F# F# G# G# C# C# F# F# C# C# F# F# G# G# F# F# G# G# C# C#

Headlights or taillights, it's a flip of a coin
I've been coming and going since the day I was born
And I followed the bread crumbs but I never got home
I grew old in an instant, now I'm all on my own

Just like that soul singer in the session band
Shredded to nothing beneath the microphone stand
Saw the wave of the future through the crack of the dam
Drowned the soul singer in the session band
F# F# G# G# F# F# G# G# C# C#
Bless the soul singer in the session band

Tabulatur von , 09 Feb 2009

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