Blue Moon Tabulatur von Billie Holiday (für Baryton)

12 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: G7, C, Am7, Dm7, D7, CM7, F, G, Fm, Fm7, Bb7, Eb

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2005
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
Verse 1:

[G7 G7]Blue [C C]moon, [Am7 Am7] [Dm7 Dm7]
You saw me [G7 G7]standing a[C C]lone [Am7 Am7] [Dm7 Dm7]
Without a [D7 D7]dream in my [CM7 CM7]heart, [Am7 Am7] [D7 D7]
Without a [F F]love of my [C C]own. [Am7 Am7] [Dm7 Dm7]

Verse 2:

[G7 G7]Blue [C C]moon, [Am7 Am7] [Dm7 Dm7]
You knew just [G7 G7]what I was [C C]there for, [Am7 Am7] [Dm7 Dm7]
You heard me [D7 D7]saying a [CM7 CM7]prayer for [Am7 Am7] [D7 D7]
[F F]Someone I [G G]really could [C C]care for. [F F] [Fm Fm] [C C]


And then there [Dm7 Dm7]suddenly ap[G7 G7]peared be[C C]fore me
The only [Dm7 Dm7]one my heart could [G7 G7]ever [C C]hold;
I heard some[Fm7 Fm7]body whisper, "[Bb7 Bb7]Please a[Eb Eb]dore me."
And when I [G G]looked, the moon had [D7 D7]turned to [G G]gold. [D7 D7] [G7 G7]

Verse 3:

[G7 G7]Blue [C C]moon, [Am7 Am7] [Dm7 Dm7]
Now I'm no [G7 G7]longer a[C C]lone [Am7 Am7] [Dm7 Dm7]
Without a [D7 D7]dream in my [CM7 CM7]heart, [Am7 Am7] [D7 D7]
Without a [F F]love of my [C C]own. [Am7 Am7] [Dm7 Dm7]

Tabulatur von , 20 Dez 2009

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gdwnlyn avatar
hello, what's the strumming pattern for this? ☺
20 Dec 2020
MuppetMolly avatar
I'm having trouble following the chord progression. What I can get right sounds good, though.
08 Sep 2012
Eddy avatar
flag for ES(ISO2) (Las Galletas)
You done it again - great singer and song
20 Dec 2009

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