Till I Hear You Sing Tabulatur von Andrew Lloyd Webber (für Baryton)

13 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: F, Bb/F, Dm, Am, Bbsus4, Gm, C7, Bbm, Eb, C, Eb6, Bb7, Fsus4

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
F F               F F
The day starts, the day ends
Bb/F Bb/F F F
Time crawls by
F F Dm Dm
Night steals in, pacing the
Am Am

Bbsus4 Bbsus4 F F
The moments creep, Yet I can't
Dm Dm
bear to sleep
Gm Gm C7 C7
Till I Hear You Sing

And weeks pass, and months pass
Bb/F Bb/F F F
Seasons fly
Still you don't walk through
Am Am
the door

Bbsus4 Bbsus4
And in a haze, I count the
F F Dm Dm
silent days
Gm Gm C7 C7
Till I Hear You Sing once more

Am Am
And sometimes at night time
Am Am
I dream that you are there
Dm Dm Bbm Bbm
But wake, holding nothing but
Eb Eb C C
the empty air
And years come, and years go
Bb/F Bb/F C C
Time runs dry
F F Am Am
Still I ache down to the core

Bbsus4 Bbsus4
My broken soul
F F Dm Dm
Can't be alive and whole
Gm Gm C7 C7
Till I Hear You Sing once more

Am Am
And music, your music
Am Am
It teases at my ear
Dm Dm
I turn and it fades away and
Eb Eb Gm Gm C C
you're not here

Let hopes pass, Let dreams pass
Bb/F Bb/F
Let them die
Without you, what are they
Am Am

Bbsus4 Bbsus4
I'll always feel
F F Dm Dm
No more than halfway real
Dm Dm Eb6 Eb6
Till I Hear You Sing
Bb7 Bb7 Fsus4 Fsus4 F F
once more....................

hope you like it :)

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Tabulatur von , 28 Apr 2016

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